If you might not notice, Agnes Monica was one of the Coca Cola Red Carpet host, American Music Award 2010!!! Yes I'm a big fan of her!!! She's my all time favourite idol! I'm always stalking her Twitter/Facebook/Fanpage. You named it! The AMA that was held LIVE 2pm at Los Angeles (Pacific Time), meaning, 6a.m Singapore time. I didn't wake up that early to catch it but I managed to catch it LIVE at 7a.m. And of course, Agnes Monica, she looks super hot!! I loved her outfit!! And not to forget, WORLD PREMIERE of her duet with Christian Chaves, singing
"En Donde Estas"; Kau Dimana / Where did you go. She sang in Spanish can you believe that?! Well what can I say. She's just a great diva!!! Oh please, can I have you performing in Singapore!!!! =)