Friday, July 30, 2010


It's Upin & Ipin's birthday. I'm refering to Hilmi & Haris of coz! My mother took care of them since they were a baby. Just like Adriana, their lil sister. They've grown up infront of my very eyes. They are VERY MISCHIEVOUS!! Sometimes I can't tolerate the noise pollution they're creating at home. But sometimes, it's a bliss having them around. The irony is, when they're around, the house is in a mess & it's really noisy and kecohrable. But when they're not around, the atmosphere is so quiet and such a bore. I'll be missing them like there's no tomorrow. Hehe. Anyway, just a small treat from bby & myself. A power ranger cake! One of their favourites entertainment show...

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I just got myself a new phone, Samsung Galaxy S. It's quite similar to those popular I-Phones. Initially, I thought of buying either I-Phone or Blackberry. Since it's very popular and lots of people are now owning one, I told myself why not try something that not many would own. So there you go, SGS! Well, I was a little bit confuse of the functions but I will get use to it. Now bby is jealous.. hehehehe..

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Dearest Esha & myself had a photoshoot session by SyraSkins last night. I was nervous at first because it was my virgin visit to their studio. Coolness! Thanks to Syra herself for the make over. I truly love it! Not to forget her bf for being our Photographer for the night. We were there from 9pm till 1am!! Yes! That effing long. But I enjoyed every moment with everyone. We will be receiving the Photos latest by end of next month. Stay tune for the pictures yah.. Oh! Thanks to Syamil (dearest Esha bf) for sending me home. Sorry to trouble him. You know, I thought of having another Photoshoot session by StudioFrost perhaps?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I get to know via @agnezone Twitter, claiming that Agnes Monica will have a solo concert in Singapore this September! Is it freaking true?!? If it's so, then I'll be jumping for joy. Well literally I'm already getting all excited about it. I'll have to sacrifice my savings for this concert which I've been dying for. I'll have to wait for updates from Twitter. Yeeeeehaaawww!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Since we were bored to death rotting at home on a Saturday, I came up with the idea to have swimming session over at Jurong West Swimming Complex. It's been donkey's years since the last time we had such outing. I had an awesome day with bby. Just like the good old times. It's just what we need. Numerous quality time for each other to strengthen the bond between us. After swimming, we went to nearby Pasar Malam and bought our favourite Burger Ramly, Putu Piring, Keropok Lekor and some drinks. Settled down at a nearby void-deck to have dinner. At the same time, we had a lot to talk about. From the past to the future. I love every moment with bby today and I want more! Oh btw, bby literally send me to work today and waited for me for 4 belardy hours at the coffee shop till I end work and send me back home. Really appreciate it! Thank you Miko! I love you very much!!
♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I thanked my parents and bby for the endless prayers and also to God for fulfilling our prayers. I finally secured myself with a good job and definitely a better pay. Location wise is a bit inconvenient for me but above all, I'm happy that I finally found one. However, I'm really heavy hearted to leave my current job. Mainly because, I will definitely miss my regular customers whom always bring a smile to my face. Especially, Heiko, Mike, Peter and Jamie! I will miss these dudes. Sad... =( Not to forget, my working mates, Ain & Elisha. All the best girls and all the best to me!! =)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


The last time I saw this boy was 5 months ago. During his 20th birthday. That freaking long. Even after he started serving National Service, I was'nt able to meet him until today. Yesterday was his POP. Congrats! So we decided to meet up and I swear I barely could recognize him at all. He lose weight a lot and dark! Whereas me, I gained weight a lot and I'm fair! hehehehe. I had a blastful day with him. Met up Fazil and Lan at Far East Plaza. Miss the old times...

Saturday, July 3, 2010


It was an impromptu meet up with my dear Kak Ros! Initially, plan to meet her was cancelled but last minute we decided to meet up instead. Hehe. Pantat gatal! We had Carls Junior for dinner. We were there for 3 hours, just talking about anything! She's someone I could talk to openly. A good listening ears and advisor. Love love love!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Finally, you can watch Agnes Monica latest music video (MV) “Karena Ku Sanggup’” It capture the essence and meaning from the song (thanks to Agnes Monica great acting on the video).To be noted, Agnes Monica doesn’t wear make up in this MV but she still look so wonderful and beautiful, isn’t she a natural beauty?This song is more special, because it composed by Agnes Monica based on her personal experience. (Copied from and edited by me)

Above all, I would like to wish her a very HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY!!! LOVE YOU AGNES MONICA!!