Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Quality time with the best was a bliss. My new job is cool with great people around. Life is great if you know how to appreciate it. And so, I bid my goodbyes to March which has been full of ups and downs. I will not forget the vacation to Philippines. That was extremely MADNESS!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Eventhough mom's endless naggings is deafening to my ears, work is giving me hell and I'm financially on the rocks, I still smile and laugh. Despite having to go through all that, I know and personally believe that there's got to be more to life! Chin up and strive for the best. Never give up! Together we go through these obstacles bby. Mahal Kita Talaga! ♥

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


From 6 April onwards, I want to stay at home on every Tuesday night. Mainly because, the Indonesian drama series, Jelita, will be showing on Suria!!!! It's my idol i'm talking about you know? Agnes Monica! How great! Eventhough I have watched the entire episodes via youtube, it's not a sin to watch it again right? I was tread on air when I get to know this news. Woot woot! Dear Agnes, when will you be performing in Singapore? I'm still hoping for my wish to come true!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I've been away for vacation to Philippines with my beloved family and bby. Bby and myself went from 12th March till 19th March whereas my family went from 13th till 16th. It's a blastful vacation I must say. Eventhough we did'nt managed to go Boracay Island, I enjoyed myself there especially with bby by my side. It's shopping madness and food fiesta week! I experienced lots of things like, riding the jeepney, MRT. Awesome! Had the chance to meet his family and friends. I'm shy as usual. I know bby was extremely elated to meet them after so long being seperated. I'm looking forward to go Philippines again. Next time round, to Boracay Island!!!

On my arrival day to Singapore, I did'nt expect to see Esha bby to literally fecth me. I was utterly shocked and elated!! How thoughtful of her. I seriously need to meet my babes coz I have a little something for them. I miss all my friends. What did I missed during my vacation? Adriana's 1st Birthday which falls on 16th March. Oh btw, I'm proud to say that I've been working with Digiphoto for 1 year now!! LOL!

Next stop? Bali or Genting Highlands???? Need to save save save!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I met my babes today before I left for Philippines tomorrow. It's been donkey's years we did'nt meet each other. I miss them terribly. Everyone is busy with their own life but we tried to meet up once a while. Sadly, Ela had to work today. Still we managed to visit her at her work place like usual. So the rest of us proceeded to Esplanade Rooftop and just chill-out. It's a bliss having these people around me. I love my babes. Till we meet again girls... Lots of love, Palin.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'll have to admit that I gained weight. A LOT of weight I have to say. Everyone I know, said the same thing. 'Eh Palin / Fazlin, you gained weight sia! '. I gained weight eversince I'm with Fred. He pampered me with foods foods foods and more foods. That's why I'm getting chubbier. I'm not complaining. I'm happy that's all. Bby said he don't mind my physical changes. He's just happy to see me being happy. But I have to maintain my diet. I don't wanna get too fat. I need to slim down a bit, if I can. hahaha! I think it will take quite some times, months or years.. LOL! On a lighter note, 3 more days to blast off!!!! Yeeehhhaakk!!

Friday, March 5, 2010


So many things to say but I'll keep it short and simple. My bimbotic manager is on leave for 2 weeks!! Good thing is, stress free. Bad thing is, I have lots of responsibilities to do. Left with exactly a week to blast off! I'm extremely excited! I'm looking forward to 11th March. Double happiness with bby and my beloved girlfriends!!! Reunion day is here again!!! Stay tuned for more updates!! Yeeehhaaakk!!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Happy 20th Birthday Esha darling!!!! Great to know you had a blastful birthday surprises by your bff. I bet your 21st birthday should be much much much more blastful ha?!?! Anyway, I just wanna wish you a good life ahead. Stay healthy always. Palin miss you so much! Meet up soon!!!