Anyway, on the bright side, I thank all those people whom literally enlightened my day! It was a hilarious day I must say. Whenever manager is not around, our insanity will just automatically arise and we will be jumping everywhere, dancing, singing, playing games, talk crap about anything, bitch talked, and etc. Awesome! I kept on laughing and giggling non-stop hits. But when that idiot appeared from nowhere, we will all shut our craps out and pretend that we're actually 'working' so very hard!! LOL! We called our self, ACTORS AND ACTRESSES!!! What the crap?! We could win oscar awards you know.. hahaha! Meraps already... The fun didn't end there. We had dinner at KFC after work. Can't stop sharing our stories like there's no tomorrow. Anyway, I really love my working colleagues so very much! They always cheered me up whenever I'm not in my very best mood.
After dinner, bby never fails to fetch me. We proceeded to our favourite spot and had a short talk. And home sweet home. He's super tired.. I bet he's soundly asleep now.. Love you bby!! I'm off duty tomorrow, so does bby! Another quality time perhaps?