Sunday, January 31, 2010


It's such a waste gathering I've ever attend in my life!!! Why? I was utterly drunk and could'nt enjoy my night with my colleagues. I'm such an idiot. I can't even stand up properly. Luckily bby was around if not, I'll be lying down on the floor like a drunkard bastard, seriously. And before I was drunk, I only ate 2 pieces of chicken wings!! How pathetic right?!?! For the entire night, bby told me that I was lying down on his lap and talked craps. Gosh! I'm such a loser when come to drinking. No more drinking, unless bby is around!!! HAHA!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Extremely wild day for bby and me!! I sungguh suka!! My bf is off duty today whereas I'm suppose to work. However, I was sent home at 11 a.m because I was mentally and physically not fit to work. Therefore, I met my bf up to have the quality time together since last night was a disaster for us. Great day with him I must say. He just know how to put a smile to my face. Although there's a moment I was hurt by his unintentional harsh words. Still he managed to console me with his warm hugs and kisses. I love my wild boar monster!!!!


We had a huge massive argument at the crack of dawn; 3.30 a.m. He ended up in floods of tears because we were actually arguing not just about something silly and ridiculous … but about something that didn’t even happen!! I won't talk much about what actually happen early this morning. The only thing that utterly vanish my anger and annoyance was that, my dear bf came all the way down to my area and persuaded me to look outside my room window. And there he was, kneeling down in the middle of the road, seeking forgiveness from me. I was indeed touched and burst into tears. NO ONE in my entire life, have ever did that to me!!!! It was really thoughtful of him to do such a sweet thing for me. I really love you bby! I'm sorry too for being such a pain in your ass all these while. As promised, through good and bad times, we'll always be together!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I was feeling so very well, energetic and positive mood early in the morning. It all faded away and replaced with horrible headache, my entire body was shivering and not to forget, I literally vomitted thrice! That bad! I realized I was beginning to feel slightly unwell after I had lunch. There's high possibility that the food that I ate was the reason why... A big thanks to Evelyn for the concern and aiding me when I'm at 4pm show. Not to forget my dear bby for the endless love and concern he had for me. I was sent home early, AGAIN! I really miss my dear bf alot! Yes we do see each other in the park BUT only if I'm assign to do show. If not, a fat lot I'll be seeing him during working hours. It's been 2 days now, I've not had a proper conversation with him face to face. I'm yearning for his hugs and kisses...... Frederick, you're badly missed by your dear gf!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Oh no no.. That's definitely NOT my room. It's a bit similar I shall say... The peace sign on the wall... Yerp! I have that too, but slightly small and it's in blue. I have a new bed. Bigger than the old one. Really comfy and I have been sleeping pretty well recently than before. On a random note, I can't wait for March. It's gonna be peace madness for me!!

Friday, January 22, 2010


It was an impromptu meet up with Mamat. Initial plan was to go out (double date) to catch a movie. Oh well, my bby has Keeper's Night D&D so we'll have to delay it. We had lunch, Mamat's treat! We had so much to share since I've not been hanging out with him for donkey's years! OMG! I missed our old times honestly. His 20th birthday is just around the corner. Damn I have zero idea of how to throw a party for him. Oh well, it's our 8 years of friendship this year. Hopefully till eternity we'll always be best friends, like Shamok and me!! weeeeee!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This was last Saturday. Did'nt had the time to blog about it. So, on that very day, my parents, bby and myself went over to Darul Arqam. It's time for him to begin learning more about Islam. Well I can tell from his face that he's nervous but nevertheless, my parents and myself will be guiding him. We'll be heading over there again on 31st for a seminar. I die die need to take urgent leave. After enquiring about this and that, we had lunch at Hajah Maimunah. Heavenly scrumptious! Moving on, we went to Mingseng cause mummy needs to change her necklace while bby search for a ring. hehehehe. Then roamed around Joo Chiat aimlessly while waiting for mom's necklace to be ready. blablabla.. home sweet home... Thank God for giving bby the opportunity to be a Muslim.

Friday, January 15, 2010


We went to West Coast Park to spend our quality time together there. It was our 4th month. It was an awesome night with him. Never did I thought, we could literally bumped into my dear bestie, Shamok! I was indeed contented upon seeing her even though it was only for a short while. We definitely need to hang out together babe! And so, bby and myself sat by the shore and just talked about just anything; Where we first met. How he fall for me. Our silly arguements. Our happy days. I do have something special for him just now. I made him to shut his eyes until I'm all prepared. I bought for him this particular G-Shock watch that he's been dying for since last year but did'nt had the chance to grab it. Therefore, being a sweet gf of his, I intended to surprise that watch during our 4th monthsary. He was surprised and speechless. The most touching part was he literally cried infront of me claiming that he was touched. He did'nt expect it. It brought him to tears. Tears of joy. I love you so much Fred.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


It's Regie's last day of work today. Utterly upset about him leaving the park. He's one of my kaki gereks at work whom brightens up my day when I'm not in my very best mood. He just know how to make me smile and laugh despite the shits at work. It won't be the same without him anymore. I will definitely miss him, truckloads. I just want to wish him all the best in his future endeavours. Oh well, we had dinner at KFC after work today. Hilarious day with everyone. Burst out laughing about just anything! We definitely need more gathering session in time to come guys!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This is a shout-out to someone I will say, my hard core side-kick girlfriend. A best friend to be exact. I MISS YOU SHAMOK!!!!!!!!!!! *giggles* I haven’t had a proper catch up with Shasha eversince we last met and talked which was wayyyy bacckkk to my 19th birthday party last year. That freaking long. I miss her terribly, no doubt about it!!! Shamok, we'll have our day when I'm 101% free alright? Though we're far apart, you'll always be close in my heart and NEVER forgotten. Count on me girl. I love you, ShaMOK!! *more giggles*

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I'm supposed to work well literally I ditched work at the very last minute. Reason, I'm just plain lazy after all the craps I had for the past 2 days. Or maybe because bby is off too.. khekhe.. Up till now, there's no calls or text message from, Raj. Despite Monday blues is creeping slowly, I can forsee that next week will be a great week for me, hopefully!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


It was my first time communicating with bby's family over at Philippines via webcam. Like finally I get to talk to his elder brother, Christopher Ferrer, elder sister, Caroline Ferrer and not to forget, his one and only mother. Nice talking to them well eventually I was shy. Looking forward to meet them over at their hometown probably during March. I love you Frederick Ferrer!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


2010 have been great to date. Work is much more relaxing for this month but super boredom I tell you. Work during last year December was belardy insane and utterly tedious for bby and myself. It's really been needed with everything we've been through recently and it was amazing to have that time just for us! Last night, managed to catch Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 over at Lido. As for today, we went for swimming session again over at Jurong East swimming complex. Complete bliss!!! I just need numerous quality time with my bby. Why I love you so much bby??

Friday, January 1, 2010


It's a brand new year, 2010. What's life has in store for me this year? Hopefully, more of joy and less of sorrows. My new year resolution will be, first, to understand boyfriend more and always be there for him through good and bad times. Secondly, to be thrifty. Lastly, to be more obedient and good daughter. God's willing. Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you. May God bless you with more happiness. Till the next post.