I haven’t felt well myself recently. And it is most displeasing to me!! I have been perfectly entitled to be bloody knackered. I felt generally “heavy” – my nose has been running like a stuck tap and I’ve got a nasty chesty cough. My feet is infected with whatever acid. At the same time, I know damned well that if I don’t rest and take it easy, that I’ll be ill for longer and that will be even worse! I feel like a fly trapped inside a tiny box – all buzz buzz buzz with nowhere to go. I HATE BEING ILL.
Last Thursday, bby accompanied me to consult the doctor. We spend almost 4 hours there. I was belardy sleepy, tired and sick. I have to go through urine test, blood test and X-ray. Afterwhich, we have to wait wait wait. I have an appointement next Monday. Gosh! Why it has to be this way and at the wrong time. I have to quit my temporary job because of my health condition. And that sucks big time!
So many medications. I hate it. I'm feeling horribly cold. Sore throat is killing me. I can't walk properly. I can't eat well. I can't even meet my friends. Damn shit. Anyway, I'm really thankful to my beloved fiance. He's been taking care of me well. He fed me medications. He cooked for me. He's always by my side when I'm feeling very weak. He put cold wet towel on my forehead. Sometimes I felt irritated when I'm forced to eat but he still insist that I must eat! hehe. I'm stubborn. I felt better today but I'm not fully recover. I still have to rest more.
I gave Noreen's 21st party a pass. I badly want to attend the party last night but my health condition does not allow me to go. I was shivering like mad. My body feels so weak. Sorry bebeh. I hope you like the gift Fred and me bought for u. =) I hope I'm fully recover by next Tuesday. I love you bby Miko!!