Thursday, April 29, 2010
Everyday without fail, we will have webcam session. This is the only way we communicate with each other. Pretty sad! What to do? Lonely, I'm so lonely. I have nobody. Nobody have I! Kental, I know. I'm not an emo kid. I still live life to the fullest. Chin up, Cheer up & thumbs up! Haha! Merepek I dah start. K Bye!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010
He's away for 5 days now. I miss him terribly much. I've always pray for his safety and health. I wish he could come back for me at the soonest. Eversince he left, I felt lonely. I need him here when I'm feeling down. Just a couple of days ago, I was extremely disappointed over some issue. I cried horribly, wishing that he was here by my side to console me. I cried talking to him over the phone. Haiz.. What an agony! Despite going through a tough life, I strongly believe, it will all get better in time. Insyallah.
P/S : I love you, Fazriq.
P/S : I love you, Fazriq.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hello. My day was great even though those birdies bubbled the plan, AGAIN!! Hate it! But who cares. Most importantly, bby was by my side. The good part was, I fulfilled my cravings to eat Carrot Cake!! It was yumtastic! Quality time with the best is never bored! Sadly, good things come to a stop. =.....(
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy 7th Monthsary to us! I'm very happy with our relationship. We've made this far and hopefully, till eternity. Sadly, happy days soon will vanish. Above all, I love Muhammad Miko Fazriq Ferrer so damn much! Mwah!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I shall spend my final 5 days with you. It's gonna be hard but we have to go through it at all events. Recently, we talked quite a lot. I cried every night before flaking out. The agony is a challenge which I'll have to brace myself to be a strong person. It will all get better in time. Hopefully....
Friday, April 9, 2010
I'm belardy lethargic due to work. From Tanjong Pagar transferred to Suntec. Preferred at Tanjong Pagar because lesser crowd and nothing much to do. On a random note, I truly miss all the lovely people at Jurong Bird Park. Abruptly, I miss working there with my power team! I might consider transferring to Night Safari?? Morning at Suntec then by evening I'll be at Night Safari. How about that? Workaholic much? Need to think carefully. I'm working my ass off. That's explain the lack of updates. Toodles!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO SYAHIRAH!!!! I miss her terribly. I bet she must be having endless of joyness over at Melbourne!!! I wish to visit her there some day. If I have enough budget! hehe... I wish her the best in life. May she bless with lots of joy and happiness!! XOXO
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